


AnnyeongHaseyo! Naneun Ivone Imnida!! AAAH~
Hari ini, eh lebih tepatnya 2hari yang lalu. Aku seneng bangetbangetbangetaaannn:'')
Uhuy penantian 13bulan itu ngga sebentar loo;') 13bulan itu, satutahun lebih!! Gimana ya, rasnaya PHP aja. Yang sabar aja nunggu;;'') dan sekaraangg...... Time for COMEBACK!!



YEAY! Akhirnya, ke-12 alienku ini muncul kembali;') after a long long long time practicing! Here we go. Yeah! make a whole world shaking with your comeback, bieb<3 Miauw:3
Duh, EXO FANS are really'' happy&excited of course. EXO is surprising. But wait, when the photos teaser came out, probably I confused. Yah, what about the concept of the album. Oh, bytheway EXO's 1st Album named 'XOXO' haha it means 'KISS & HUG' lol :p. OK back to the topic, so I thought that the concept of their album was all about school. Yeah, because their teasers were wearing uniform and all of them doing student pose?;p but actually it wasn't really student pose, yeah just lil bit the same. heheheh. Yeah and also every member had their own favorite subject. God? what the heck will SM do? :| Ah and i thought, It just soo sooo comeback. I feel lil bit bored. And why it wasn't just like their 1st debut. OMG I still remembered last year, It was xenxational KAI. But now? I see nothing on their photo teasers. Ordinary enough.

Day bay day, I'm not thinking about it. Really no care. And suddenly! when I stalked one of the  EXO fanpage twitter , I heard that they will sing WOLF song for their comeback, all of the sudden my mind should go back to the past. What? They say WOLF? OMG. I remembered EXO's rumor song under the title 'WOLF'. Wah? That was really it? Fiuh. I thought that waah it was very very bad song! really :( huh very very dissapointed. And seriously, I'm not interest with their comeback anymore ;'(
Not too long after I heard about WOLF song, the 1st teaser of MV came out!!
And, you know what i said?

"JINJJA!  It's not the concept!! And It's the other WOLF (?) the title are the same-_- but not the song. Creep! What will SM do?"


Yeah, but I realized, it's not the WOLF song back then. I'm happy enough! Kekeke! It means yah not too bad laah! When I saw the MV teaser, I was excited! but I confused too. Kenapa teaser photonya sama teaseer MVnya kagak nyambung abieess? Huuh. Photonya kayak anak cupu gitu, anak SMA gitu ee lhadala!! Teasernya kok semacam kayak MAMA dulu? ah nggak sinkron pokoknya. Kostum, setting, koreo. Not the same as in my Imagination. But, their 1st teaser absolutely DAEBAK!! full of mystery and of course I'm full of my curious! Kira2 ini ngapain ya? Apa hubungannya sama konsep sekolah2 gitu ya? Aduuh full of questions!! Hihi {} Pokoknya keren abieeezzz MACHO daah :**++ but, I didn't hear any song from it. No clue for the song. But, I lil bit understand the concept then. I saw some of wolf movement(?) and wolf action lol. Oh, jadi nyambung lah sama judul lagunya, tapi ngga nyambung sama photo teasernya-__- keke but, It was amazing! I can't wait for the MV! I'm sure that it will be surprising song, powerful song, and not -a-mellow- song absolutely!   It was cool

Ah, seriously I'm not in good mood for telling you about my 2nd experience while watching 2nd teasers. Makan ati aja. Maybe on the net post I'll tell you :)

When 30 may 2013 came

Oh damn!! at 5pm I opened my laptop and refreshed SM channel's every second(?)-_- and TARA!! THE MV IS OUT!! Really" excited. :))))))
When I saw their MV for the first time, I just laughed. Really. Oh what's wrong for their song. HAHA it made me laugh! It was too FUNNY!! Sampek ngga konsen ke koreonya. Gara" dengerin lagunya yang like nganu xD nyahaha. My first impression about the MV is  "unique EXTRA unique song". And it was silly when suho said "SARANGHEYO" with his falset? LOL ASDFGHJKLM!! ROFL! hihi. And I liked when tao, xiumin & lay were rapping <3 mihi. I played 8x a hour lols. Kyahaha sampek nunda mandi-___-v Jinjja keren bangetbangetan nih lagu! Unik aja gitu. Well, apalagi pas openingnya! their choreographic was too good and surprising!! Huuh melting abiez! Sempet kaget juga pas Xiumin appeared! He looked like anyone else, None of his chubby, but he's a man! lols! aseli PANGLING! And also chanyeol, he's more charismatic and has got more expression on his face;p lolz. Tao just like usual ;') And my biased DO KYUNGSO!! auu jangan ditanya ;') TAMBAH +++ but wait, did I wrong?  I felt he looked like little cho kyuhyun in this MV? Humz here some of his screencaptures:

See?? Gayanya, they way he looks. ah, mirip banget"an sama cho kyuhyun :| hehe apa dia little cho yang sesungguhnyaa? who knows?
Hehe, dan yang terakhir, di MV ini closingnya HunHan moment<3 aww sweet!!
Oh ya, on this MV, EXO was separated into two. Not EXO-K & EXO-M but mixed. I didn't know why, the member of EXO M also sing on EXO K music video, and vice versa. And actually all of the member are fluent in korean & chinese :) Daebak!

The 1st group consist of : kai, sehun, luhan, kris, chanyeol, baekhyun.  
The 2nd one is : lay, tao, chen, suho, d.o and xiumin.

OK, so guys, YOU MUST WATCH IT! MUST DO!! Nggak nyesel sumpah <3 {} and I play this song everyday. keke Moodbooster banget UNIQUE{} :)
And I hope on their first album, they will be success, more more success and amazing in the future <3 got the 1st rank on billboard chart! :) keke
Oh ya! I'm looking forward on their 2nd MV I mean the drama ones ;') Hwaiting ^^v  Hwaiting EXOtics for reaching 4millions viewers on youtube, then SM will upload the drama version :) OK!
Seeyou on the nest post :** byee!!!


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